Our Work

Zachary Area Transmission Network Improvements Phase II

Baton Rouge Bayou – Wharton Smith
Zachary, LA

SEMS was contracted to manage suspected contaminated waste generated during network improvements throughout the area known as the Baton Rouge Bayou. The project was located in a semi-wooded area of relatively low relief. The United States EPA reported contamination as a result of historical operations from a nearby Superfund site including chlorinated volatile organic compounds, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon and metals. The project was conducted in two separate mobilizations which resulted in modifications to the waste management plan.

Contaminated Waste Management Services in Louisiana

  • Development of site-specific health and safety plan
  • Environmental management throughout the designated area
  • Air monitoring during excavation activities
  • Managed suspected contaminated waste including waste profiling, manifesting, transporting and disposal
  • Approximately 5,430T of excavated materials and 5,700 gallons of contact water were generated and disposed of during the installation of new forcemain